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New posts in asp.net-identity-2

Email cannot be null or empty. MVC 5, Identity 2.0.0

asp.net mvc identity 2 running two instance of different project


How do I add fields to the AspNetUsers table in Asp.Net Identity Framework?

How can I change ASP.Net Identity 2 on SQL Server to create a newSequentialId Primary Key?

Implementing asp.net Identity into already existing database with entity framework

Invalidate OAuth token in Asp.net-Identity

ASP.NET Identity signout fails if inactive for longer than security stamp validation interval

Force another user to refresh their Claims with ASP.NET Identity 2.1.0

Adding role to AspNetUserRoles table in ASP.NET Identity

Manually Insert into Identity Framework AspNetUsers Table

ASP.Net Identity 2 - custom response from OAuthAuthorizationServerProvider

Migrating from Membership to Identity when passwordFormat = Encrypted and decryption = AES

Overlap User Login in Two Projects with ASP.NET Identity

UserManager.CreateAsync does not generate Id

EntityFramework 6 and mongodb and Identity

Why am I getting sporadic invalid tokens for email verification in ASP.NET Identity?

c# .net asp.net-identity-2

ASP.NET Identity 2.0 Signout not working

Web API 2 AccessFailedCount not Incrementing When using Token Based Authentication

The following errors occurred while attempting to load the app. - The OwinStartupAttribute.FriendlyName value

how can I get Identity UserID in the controller right after a successful login result?