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New posts in optimization

Is placing code and read-only data it uses right next to each other a good idea?

Optimizing my large data code with little RAM

Blit faster than conditional + pointer increment?

Global const optimization and symbol interposition

Webpack4: Two vendor libraries based on entry points

How to vectorize a loop through a matrix numpy

In gdb my variable shows as <optimised out>, how can I find its value?

c optimization gdb dwarf

Avoiding repeated C++ virtual table lookup

How can I make resizing WPF windows less "laggy"?

Setting Far Future Expires Header In Code - ASP.NET

How can I add new root element to a C# XmlDocument?

c# optimization xmldocument

Cold startup optimization

How to design extremely efficient function

How to show a window in the fastest way possible?

SSE program takes a lot longer on AMD than on Intel

optimization sse

Concurrently downloading JSON data from remote service(s)

Updating massive number of records -- performance optimization

Suggestions for optimization of code to pass TLE on SPOJ

CUDA /openCL; rewriting branches as non-branching expression

c++ optimization cuda opencl gpu

Can unused member functions be reported by the linker? (C++)(gcc)