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New posts in optimization

Optimizing repeated modulus within a loop

why less than expression converts into less than or equal to expression in gcc

c optimization gcc gimple

Algorithm for finding dead pixels in Javascript

GNU inline assembly optimisation

Combining (OR) arbitrary regular expressions

java regex optimization

Requirejs output to single file excluding jQuery not retaining dependency?

CVX-esque convex optimization in R?

Do optimizers move temporary non-POD types out of loops?

How do I optimize/improve upon this hash function

c++ c math optimization

Fast searching for the lowest value greater than x in a sorted vector

matlab optimization

Global function is slower than functor or lambda when passed to std::sort

ASP.NET MVC bundles in Classic ASP (or PHP etc.)

C++/JAVA: Efficiently find a set in the collection containing given value

java c++ optimization set

How to speed up Google App Engine Go unit tests?

Why does GCC-generated code read junk from stack?

c++ gcc assembly optimization

Searching a sequence of bytes in a binary file in PHP?

php search optimization

Does PHP optimize function arguments of array type, not explicitly passed by reference, when they are not modified?

pointers on pointers - reason for performance penalty

Code optimization - number of function calls in Python

Numerical Optimization of PL/SQL, or alternatives