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New posts in bundling-and-minification

angularjs minification issue with controller [closed]

Serving bundled JavaScript with a pure AppHost implementation of ServiceStack

ASP.NET using MS bundles and Grunt with a CDN

Automatically switching to minified CSS & JS files in different environments

CSS and JavaScript changes not published to Azure in ASP.NET Core

MVC4 Bundling misdirect background-image url

Did Auto-Bundling/Minification Get Tossed in Final Release of MVC 4?

Dotless MVC bundling issue when importing same less file twice

How to automatically remove HTML comments in Release mode?

ASP.NET MVC 4 Bundles giving 404 error

How to remove querysting token of version generator using bundles in mvc 4

Can i use Bundling [Bundle.Config] in .net 4 Asp.Net web Application

How to remove comments with BundleTransformer YuiJsMinifier

System.Web.Optimization.Bundle vs. WebEssentials bundling

Virtual paths in creating bundles in MVC?

Copyright information in minified javascript and css files