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New posts in bundling-and-minification

Microsoft.AspNet.Web.Optimization JavaScript bundling fails to minify template literals

mvc4 bundling strongly typed bundles

asp.net 4.5 script bundles nor bundeling nor minifying

Bundle external JavaScript files using MVC 4

Durandal optimization with Gulp and Gulp-Durandal not working

Error when minifying CSS with @keyframes

Set ASP.NET Bundling To Not Remove Third Party Copyrights

Algorithm for YAML minification that includes reference insertion

Does web essentials offer a way to use the bundled js file in production but individual js files in development?

JavaScript Error in Asp.Net MVC 4 Bundling

How to add CDN to bundle.config in asp.net webforms bundling

HTTP handlers and javascript bundling in VS 2012

asp.net scriptbundle multiple include vs single include

Minifying a Flask application when templates have inline JS?

Bundling & Minification with MVC Core

ASP.NET Bundling - Ignoring second JS file

Absolute URL in ASP bundle

Could not load file or assembly 'WebGrease' one of its dependencies. The located assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly reference

How does webopt:bundlereference work in ASP.Net?

Chrome workspaces with fingerprinted assets