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New posts in asp.net-optimization

Did Auto-Bundling/Minification Get Tossed in Final Release of MVC 4?

mvc4 bundling strongly typed bundles

How to add CDN to bundle.config in asp.net webforms bundling

How does a bundle (Sytem.Web.Optimization) generate the build fingerprint for bundle-links?

How to apply custom bundle order?

System.Web.Optimization making function argument names stay the same for certain functions

Produce a "type" attribute in the "script" tag when using Scripts.Render in ASP.NET MVC 4

"The located assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly reference" on nuget package


What is the proper use of IItemTransform for correcting paths in CSS Bundling with ASP.NET Web Optimization and BundleTransformer?

ASP.NET bundling - default virtual paths?

Why doesnt the MVC4 bundling bundle Knockout.js?

Customize cache-busting in system.web.optimization

NoTransform isn't working when trying to create new Bundle

Absolute URL in ASP bundle

Do not minify certain files in ASP .NET MVC 4 BundleConfig

Why does ResolveBundleUrl not work for custom folders? (MVC Beta 4)

Could not load file or assembly 'WebGrease' one of its dependencies. The located assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly reference