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How do I optimize/improve upon this hash function

I have a hashtable that stores quadtree entries.
The hashfunction looks like this:

Quadtree hash

#define node_hash(a,b,c,d) \

Note that the result of this operation is always chunked down using a modulus prime number like so:

h = node_hash(p->nw, p->ne, p->sw, p->se) ;
h %= hashprime ;

Comparison with optimal hash
Some statistical analysis shows that this hash is optimum in terms of collision reduction.
Given a hashtable with b buckets and n entries. The collision risk using a perfect hash is:
(n - b * (1 - power((b-1)/b,n)))) * 100 / n
When n = b this means a collision risk of 37%.

Some testing shows that the above hash lines up very nicely with the norm (for all fill levels of the hashtable).

Running time
The runtime is heavily dependent on the value of hashprime

Timings (best out of 1000 runs) are:

hashprime   CPU-cycles per run
 4049               56
16217               68
64871              127    <-- whoooh

Is there a way to improve on this, whilst still retaining the optimum collision risk?

Either by optimizing the modulus operation (replacing it with a multiplication using 'magic' numbers computer outside the loop).
Replacing the hash function with some other hash function.

The following assembly is produced:

//--------h = node_hash(p->nw, p->ne, p->sw, p->se) ;
mov eax,[rcx+node.nw]       <<+
lea eax,[eax+eax*2+3]         |
add eax,[rcx+node.ne]         |
lea eax,[eax+eax*2]           +-  takes +/- 12 cycles
add eax,[rcx+node.sw]         |
lea eax,[eax+eax*2]           |
add eax,[rcx+node.se]       <<+
//--------h %= hashprime ;
mov esi,[hashprime]
xor edx,edx
div esi
mov rax,rdx                    <<--- takes all the rest

I may be able to do something with the fact that:

C = A % B is equivalent to C = A – B * (A / B)
Using the fact that integer division is the same as multiplication by its reciprocal.
Thus converting the formula to C = A - B * (A * rB)
Note that for integer division the reciprocals are magic numbers, see: http://www.hackersdelight.org/magic.htm
C code is here: http://web.archive.org/web/20070713211039/http://hackersdelight.org/HDcode/magic.c

[FNV hashes]

See: http://www.isthe.com/chongo/tech/comp/fnv/#FNV-1a

hash = offset_basis
for each byte to be hashed
 hash = hash xor octet_of_data
 hash = hash * FNV_prime (for 32 bits = 16777619)
return hash

For 4 pointers truncated to 32 bits = 16 bytes the FNV hash takes 27 cycles (hand crafted assembly)
Unfortunately this leads to hash collisions of 81% where it should be 37%.
Running the full 15 multiplications takes 179 cycles.

like image 234
Johan Avatar asked Sep 27 '13 03:09


People also ask

How can I improve my hashing?

Minimizing Collisions One of the main things you want to avoid in a hashed collection is collisions. This is when two or more keys map to the same bucket. These collisions mean you have to do more work to check whether the key is the one you expected, as there are now multiple keys in the same bucket.

What are the most important considerations when designing a hash function?

In general, a hash function should depend on every single bit of the key, so that two keys that differ in only one bit or one group of bits (regardless of whether the group is at the beginning, end, or middle of the key or present throughout the key) hash into different values.

Is performance improvement An application of hashing?

Hashing as we know it is used for performance improvement, error checking, and authentication. One example of a performance improvement is the common hash table, which uses a hash function to index into the correct bucket in the hash table, followed by comparing each element in the bucket to find a match.

How can hash collisions be reduced?

Separate chaining If two records are being directed to the same cell, both would go into that cell as a linked list. This efficiently prevents a hash collision from occurring since records with the same hash values can go into the same cell, but it has its disadvantages.

2 Answers

Replacing modulus by reciprocal multiplication
The main cycle eater in this hash function is the modulus operator.

If you replace this division with a multiplication by the reciprocal the calculation is much faster.
Note that calculating the reciprocal involves 3 divides, so this should only be done when the reciprocal can be reused enough times.

OK, here's the code used: http://www.agner.org/optimize/asmlib.zip

From: http://www.agner.org/optimize/

// ;*************************  divfixedi64.asm  *********************************
// ; Author:           Agner Fog

//extern "C" void setdivisoru32(uint Buffer[2], uint d)
  mov     r8d, edx               // x
  mov     r9, rcx                // Buffer
  dec     r8d                    // r8d = r8d or esi
  mov     ecx, -1                // value for bsr if r8d = 0
  bsr     ecx, r8d               // floor(log2(d-1))
  inc     r8d
  inc     ecx                    // L = ceil(log2(d))
  mov     edx, 1
  shl     rdx, cl                // 2^L (64 bit shift because cl may be 32)
  sub     edx, r8d
  xor     eax, eax
  div     r8d
  inc     eax
  mov     [r9], eax              // multiplier
  sub     ecx, 1
  setae   dl
  movzx   edx, dl                // shift1
  seta    al
  neg     al
  and     al,cl
  movzx   eax, al                // shift 2
  shl     eax, 8
  or      eax, edx
  mov     [r9+4], eax            // shift 1 and shift 2

and the code for the modulus operation:

//extern "C" uint modFixedU32(uint Buffer[2], uint d)
  mov     eax,  edx
  mov     r10d, edx                // x
  mov     r11d, edx                 // save x
  mul     dword [rcx]              // Buffer (i.e.: m')
  sub     r10d, edx                // x-t
  mov     ecx, [rcx+4]             // shift 1 and shift 2
  shr     r10d, cl
  lea     eax, [r10+rdx]
  mov     cl,  ch
  shr     eax, cl
  // Result:= x - m * fastDiv32.dividefixedu32(Buffer, x);
  mul     r8d                    // m * ...
  sub     r11d, eax              // x - (m  * ...)
  mov     eax,r11d

The difference in time is as follows:

hashprime   classic hash (mod)  new hash        new          old  
(# of runs)    cycles/run       per run       (no cache)   (no cache)
 4049               56             21            16.6        51
16217               68           not measured
64871              127             89            16.5        50

Cache issues
The increase in cycle time is caused by the data overflowing the cache, causing main memory to be accessed.
This can be seen clearly when I remove cache effects by hashing the same value over and over.

like image 118
Johan Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 00:11


Something like this might be useful:

static inline unsigned int hash4(unsigned int a, unsigned int b,
    unsigned int c, unsigned int d) {
  unsigned long long foo = 123456789*(long long)a ^ 243956871*(long long)b
                         ^ 918273645*(long long)c ^ 347562981*(long long)d;
  return (unsigned int)(foo >> 32);

Replace the four odd numbers I typed in with randomly generated 64-bit odd numbers; the ones above won't work that great. (64-bit so that the high 32 bits are somehow a random mix of the lower bits.) This is about as fast as the code you gave, but it lets you use power-of-two table sizes instead of prime table sizes without fear.

The thing everyone uses for similar workloads is the FNV hash. I'm not sure whether FNV actually has better properties than hashes of the type above, but it's similarly fast and it's in rather widespread use.

like image 1
tmyklebu Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 00:11
