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New posts in optimization

Declaring a value as local once is slower than declaring it local each time

Distribute data into two columns

sql-server optimization

How to replace multiple if-else statements to optimize code?

Why is c++ string == (equality) operator is much faster than manually checking characters one by one?

c++ string optimization

java 8, most efficient method to return duplicates from a list (not remove them)? [duplicate]

The fastest way to read csv file in c++ which contains large no of columns and rows

How does Perl's regex implementation makes use of tries?

regex perl optimization trie

Breakdown an integer value to an array of integer maintaining the sum

What really R8 full mode do (aggressive optimizations)?

Multiply an int by 30, 31, 32 - are these really optimized by the compiler? (effective java says so)

Reduce binary string to an empty string by removing subsequences with alternative characters

Can this code to find the neighborhood of a string be sped up?

fast geometric proximity predicate

Can I control register allocation in g++?

F#: Partial application and precalculation

optimization f#

Can Java omit sending some headers in HTTP requests?

Does making a class NotInheritable in VB.NET offer the same (potential) compiler optimizations as sealed in C#?

Are private classes being sealed at compilation?

Two strange efficiency problems in Mathematica

Specific template for the first element

xslt optimization