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New posts in optimization

How to create index faster?

How much time would be good to set in expire header for a website?

Joins against views: performance issues

Optimize a query that is using multiple left joins on the same tables

What's the best way to implement AutoComplete in the server?

Retrieve a graph structure in Hibernate

Interaction between optimizations and testing for error calls

How to remove controls from a container without container updating

Check if parameter is NULL within WHERE clause

Loop transformations with potentially shared objects

c++ optimization c++11

With OpenAL, is setting AL_PITCH and AL_GAIN expensive?

optimization openal

Building a lemmatizer: speed optimization

Best practice to optimize javascript loading

What are the optimizations facilitated by -ffinite-math-only?

Is it worthwhile to check the visibility of a DOM element before toggling its visibility? Or is this premature optimization?

performance overhead of c++ string tokenize via istringstream

c++ optimization

How to get the last record in MySql with 2.5m rows

Fastest method to check if an array is empty

How to properly increment some array key, even if key needs to be created?

Do indexes help a mysql MEMORY table?

mysql memory optimization