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New posts in optimization

How to make waitpid block the loop

perl optimization waitpid

Doubts about gcc O3 optimisation flag

c++ gcc optimization

High-performance code in c++ (inheritance, pointers to functions, if)

PostgreSQL query gets magnitudes slower when sorting by columns from two different tables

sql postgresql optimization

How can I optimize my code for generating a pseudorandom String for high speed in Java?

java loops optimization random

Faster computation of (approximate) variance needed

How to tell c++ compiler that the object is not changed elsewhere to reach better optimization

Algorithm for Octree for nearest neighbor search

Processes vs threads in Java

Javascript optimization with `new Function()`

Optimization: Where to process data? Database, Server or Client?

php mysql optimization

Running code AFTER the response has been sent by Koa

Do unused paramenters in functions slow down the execution of JavaScript?

Optimizing neighbor count function for conway's game of life in C

c for-loop optimization

optimal way to find sum(S) of all contiguous sub-array's max difference

LINQ: Get element with highest of two/multiple values

c# linq sorting optimization

'memcpy'-like function that supports offsets by individual bits?

Why CLR optimizing away unused static field with initialization?

Sorting 2 linked list of 50000 numbers with a limited set of operations

How to set up linear programming optimization in R using LpSolve?