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New posts in optimization

Is switch just as bad as if?

Proof: Pythagorean Triple algorithm is faster by Euclid's Formula?

c algorithm optimization

Alternative to drools-planner/optaplanner in c++/c#?

Why does using data instead of xdata significantly reduce code space

c optimization 8051 c51

Inline assembly vs math library

math gcc optimization assembly

How to calculate (n!)%1000000009

Shorten property names in JSON: does it make sense?

How much will this accumulate floating point errors?

Find the duplicate element in an array of consecutive integers in O(log n) time

Optimizing a genetic algorithm?

Avoid creating new arrays as results for numpy/scipy operations?

How to impurely modify a state associated with an object?

Speeding up simulation of the Levy motion algorithm

Using Covariance matrix for Portfolio Optimization in R

Replace a given value in array with values from second array in C#

Why the bounds check doesn't get eliminated?

How can I prevent the Require.js optimizer from including the text plugin in optimized files?

Will Oracle optimizer use multiple Hints in the same SELECT?

sql oracle optimization hints

What are the benefits of using DispatchWorkItem in swift?

Fastest way to get sorted unique list in python?

python sorting optimization