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New posts in optimization

Queue reduction algorithm?

Select * and the query optimizer

Optimization: Python, Perl, and a C Suffix Tree Library

How to optimize fetching multiple collections in Hibernate?

hibernate optimization

Optimization using NEON assembly

Why do Google not optimize Date/Time construction in their front-page Javascript [closed]

Increasing thread and process priority to reduce execution time for a processor-intensive, parallelized application

Speed up csv import

JIT compiler and anonymous inner classes [closed]

Optimize circle inside circle detection algorithm lower than O(n²)

java algorithm optimization

static final field, static field and performances

Removing branches via bitwise select

c++ optimization

Performance of assigning values to array

Can I pass more arguments to optimize() function in R

r optimization

Algorithm for optimizing the order of actions with cooldowns

Strategy for mass storage of small files

Codeigniter optimization / best place to load models is?

Pre-processing a loop in Objective-C

.NET local variable optimization

c# .net optimization decimal jit

Why does my 8M L3 cache not provide any benefit for arrays larger than 1M?