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New posts in opengl-es-2.0

Declaring constants instead of literals in vertex shader. Standard practice, or needless rigor?

OpenGL ES 2.0 (or Marmalade SDK), and effect similar to order of "glRotate()", "glTranslation()" in OpenGL ES 1.x

Optimizing performance of a heavy fragment shader

Will an Octree improve performance if my scene contains less than 200K vertices?

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onSurfaceChanged called twice

Most efficient method for GLSL edge detection shader

OpenGL ES 2.0 point sprites with distinct rotations - calculate matrix in shader?

Log values of variables inside the vertex shader

Android and OpenGL gives black frame at startup

How to declare a function that returns an array in glsl es (version 100)

opengl-es-2.0 glsles

Issue getting gradient square in glsl es 2.0, Gamemaker Studio 2.0

How to identify click inside the 3D object or outside 3D object using near and far positions

OpenGL ES 2.0 for 2D, how to set origin to top-left

iOS 5.0 GLKit GLKTextureLoader- where does glBindTexture happen?

How do I use a shader to colour lines drawn with GL_LINES and OpenGL ES 2.0

java android opengl-es-2.0

GPU-based Laplacian Pyramid

Vertex Kaleidoscope shader

3D point from two angles and a distance

OpenGL ES 2.0 Camera Issues

How do I replace glBegin() and related functions in OpenGL ES 2.0?

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