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New posts in opengl-3

glDrawElements and flat shading

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Multi lights shadow mapping does not work correctly using GLSL

Creating an OpenGL 3.2/3.x context in SDL 1.3

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is VertexAttribPointer needed after each BindBuffer?

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Since glPushAttrib/glPopAttrib are deprecated, what is the new way to save attributes like GL_DEPTH_FUNC?

Dashed line in OpenGL3?

Why does OpenGL drawing fail when vertex attrib array zero is disabled?

Why is glGetUniformLocation failing me?

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GLSL: "Invalid call of undeclared identifier 'texture2D'"

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Rendering a simple rectangle with OpenGL 3 in D language

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GLSL -- texture1D is deprecated, what to use instead?

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When should I use STD140 in OpenGL?

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Where to get an up-to-date OpenGL32.lib?

OpenGL Debug Context performance warning

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Why do we need perspective division?

OpenGL 4.1 and 3.1+, What are key differences? [closed]

OpenGL & GLSL 3.3 on an HD Graphics 4000 under Ubuntu 12.04

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