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New posts in opengl-3

How do I make this simple OpenGL code (works in a "lenient" 3.3 and 4.2 profile) work in a strict 3.2 and 4.2 core profile?

Resizing point sprites based on distance from the camera

Attribute divisor without instancing?

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Replacing a VBO in an existing VAO

Binding to OpenGL 3.x VBO

c++ opengl 3d vbo opengl-3

Does GLSL utilize SLI? Does OpenCL? What is better, GLSL or OpenCL for multiple GPUs?

Drawing VBO with glDrawArrays works in OpenGL 2.1 but not in OpenGL 3.x

opengl vbo opengl-3

Is it reasonable to target OpenGL 3.2 in modern games?

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Using fence sync objects in OpenGL

glfwOpenWindowHint not declared in this scope GLFW3 & GLEW

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The simplest, minimalistic, opengl 3.2 cocoa project

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OpenGL 3: glBindVertexArray invalidates GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER

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Instanced drawing of dynamic models in OpenGL

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(OpenGL 3.1 - 4.2) Dynamic Uniform Arrays?

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Can't set desired OpenGL version in QGLWidget

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Is SDL Renderer useless if I use opengl for drawing?

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.obj : fatal error LNK1107: invalid or corrupt file: cannot read at 0x6592

Using a matrix as vertex attribute in OpenGL3 Core Profile

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What is the purpose of OpenGL texture buffer objects?

opengl textures opengl-3

How to use VBOs without VAOs with OpenGL core profile?

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