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New posts in opengl-3

Does every Mac with Lion support OpenGL 3.2?

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Understanding code used to draw quads in OpenGL 3.3+ core using triangles

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OpenGL Alpha Blending Issue, Blending ignored (maybe)?

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How to draw polygon with 3D points in modern openGL?

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How to get flat normals on a cube

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Is the stencil buffer still relevant in modern OpenGL?

OpenGL 3.3 different colours with fragment shader

Combining vertex arrays with textures in OpenGL

opengl opengl-3

depth buffer got by glReadPixels is always 1

opengl opengl-3

Using different texture types in same texture unit at the same time in shader

How to implement the btIDebugDraw interface of Bullet in OpenGL 4.0

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Cannot deploy GLFW 3.2

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OpenGL 3.2 w/ NSOpenGLView

Is it possible to draw anything in OpenGL 3+ without writing GLSL shaders? Will it run on older computers?

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double buffering with FBO+RBO and glFinish()

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Porting a project to OpenGL3

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SDL2 OpenGL3 How to initialize SDL inside a function

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How should modern OpenGL shaders be written so as to be compatible with each other?

Do I have to call glVertexAttribPointer() each frame, for each rendered mesh?

c++ opengl opengl-3

What OpenGL version to choose for cross-platform desktop application