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Should a user interface be implemented using the Singleton design pattern?

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Method overloading behaviour

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Multithreading in C#: How can I pass a function name to another function to start a new thread?

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Why aren't rails helpers more object-oriented?

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Does the Strategy Pattern violate the Single Responsibility Principle?

Teaching an old dog new tricks

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Create interface for object or for action / behavior?

Nested Class Conundrum

c# .net oop

Handling collection properties in a class and NHibernate entities

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object-private Vs class-private

Is it better to assign variables in a class itself or in the class' constructor? [closed]

Copy constructor Class instantiation

java oop copy-constructor

Keyword 'this' (Me) is not available calling the base constructor

c# .net vb.net oop

Creating instance of interface in C#

c# oop

What are possible designs for the DCI architecture?

oop architecture dci

Transferring objects between two independed applications (C#)

How to determine which inheriting class is using an abstract class's methods

What Could be the example scenarios to declare any class or any method as "final"?

php oop class methods final

Why grouping Design pattern in three parts?

Compromising design & code quality to integrate with existing modules

oop refactoring