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What does a dynamic language like python give you? Coming from a c#/java background. show me the light! [duplicate]

DDD: Address as an aggregate root?

Problems designing Bejeweled game

c# java oop

In R, how can one make a method of an S4 object that directly adjusts the values inside the slots of that object?

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are 'long-lived' php objects possible?

php oop

android, object oriented programing vs designing for performance

PHP: how to reuse code (oop)?

php oop

Howto move from object based language to server side Node.js Javascript for big projects?

What is the use of the Visible property in the case of a HiddenField?

Perl Moose parent class cast with child

perl oop moose

Polymorphic Lists and relational database

Business layer design dilemma: memory or IO?

TDD can force the creation of "fake" dependencies

Matlab proxy class issue. (re: dependent properties)

oop class matlab proxy

Can I have a default method in a base class that's always called before child implementations?

c# oop

How to avoid downcasting when trying to extend a Java object

java oop downcast

Class methods in Javascript

javascript oop

Converting all functions into classes

c++ refactoring oop

Simple Exception sample - PHP

php oop

example of polymorphism in java [closed]

java oop polymorphism