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example of polymorphism in java [closed]

I'm beginner in Java, so, i'm sorry if the question will be too simple for you.

Could somebody explain me what the polymorphism is in Java? I need just piece of code that describes it simply.

Thank you.

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user748394 Avatar asked Feb 24 '23 05:02


2 Answers

Looks like homework to me, but I'm bored and Java makes me nostalgic.

List<A> list = new ArrayList<A>();
list.add(new A());
list.add(new A());
list.add(new B());

public void printAll() {
    for(A i : list) {

class A {
    public String print() {
        return "A";

class B extends A {
    public String print() {

The output would look like:


The polymorphic part is when different code is executed for the same method call. The loop does the same thing everytime, but different instance methods may actually be getting called.

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Cogsy Avatar answered Feb 26 '23 21:02


Have a look at the JDK itself. You'll see polymorphism in lots of places, for example if you look at the java.util Collections. There's a java.util.List interface reference type can behave like an ArrayList or a LinkedList, depending on the runtime type you assign to it.

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duffymo Avatar answered Feb 26 '23 21:02
