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New posts in objective-c-runtime

Storing things in isa

Using instance variables with Modern Runtime

Deploying to OS X 10.6 and "-fobj-arc is not supported on platforms using the legacy runtime"

Getting list of class methods

C As Principal Class Or; A Cocoa App Without ObjC

Set limit to UITextField in ObjectiveC

How can I create a block that 'wraps' a target/selector pair?

iOS / Objective-C: Correct Way of Obtaining Meta Class Object

What is the best way to avoid duplicate symbols in project that will use my iOS framework and one of the dependencies?

Method cannot be marked @objc because its result type cannot be represented in Objective-C

Method swizzling for property in swift

Objective-C: What is a lazy class?

How does the Objective-C runtime retrieve the list of classes and methods?

Why the objc runtime function `class_addMethod()` adds the implementation as instance and class method when the target class is `NSObject`?

How can one obtain the sizeof a type for which one has an encoding?

What does class_getClassVariable() do?

Swift closure as AnyObject

Why do protocol_* methods do not work with Clang + modern GCC-Runtime on Linux?

Is there any way to list all swizzled methods in an iOS app?

object_setClass to bigger class