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New posts in objective-c-runtime

Swift isa pointer remapping or other supported method swizzling

Objective-C Reflection for generic NSCoding implementation

How are the digits in ObjC method type encoding calculated?

Objective-C macro to detect if variable is primitive

Why can't we use C-strings as SELs?

object_getInstanceVariable works for float, int, bool, but not for double?

Why can some methods (-retainWeakReference, -allowsWeakReference, +load, +initialize) on class NSObject not be added to other classes at runtime?

Objective-C: preferred way to retrieve the superclass of a Class instance

How are NSBlock objects created?

Obtain list of class methods for an arbitrary class

What are the digits in an ObjC method type encoding string?

Why do Objective-C objects have to be dynamically allocated?

How to dynamically add a class method?

Changed +load method order in Xcode 7

Using objc_getClassList under arc

How to implement an NSRunLoop inside an NSOperation

NSProxy vs NSObject

Error when using "setValue: forKey:" on an NSString's isa pointer then calling [string class]

objective-c runtime error "Use of undeclared identifier 'objc_property_t'"

Convert a string ("MyExampleClass") into a class name (MyExampleClass)