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New posts in objective-c-runtime

How do I get the int value from object_getIvar(self, myIntVar) as it returns a pointer

Call instance method with objc_msgSend

Create custom dynamic classes in objective-c

why does this code give EXC_BAD_ACCESS (using IMP)

Why can't gcc or clang properly @encode SIMD vector types?

Why is isa field of Objective C object has 1 offset with its class pointer?

Objective-C runtime: What does declaring a variable of type Class (objc_class) conforming to a protocol mean?

In Objective-C, when are metaclass object and class object created?

Associated objects in Swift, does global key actually produce specific instances?

Can class_addMethod in Objective-C work only on a specific instance?

How to allocate a new object without Foundation?

What is the difference between declaring a protocol @objc and having it conform to NSObjectProtocol in pure Swift?

Objective-C Address of property expression

What is `objc_msgSend_fixup`, exactly?

Using class_getInstanceMethod - where is the method implemented in the class hierarchy?

How do I return a struct value from a runtime-defined class method under ARC?

What's wrong with using a category on NSObject to provide a default protocol implementation?

Is there any problem using self.property = nil in dealloc?

Objective-C associated objects leaking under ARC