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New posts in objective-c-runtime

Retrieving property list of a class in iOS

Interpret Objective C scripts at runtime on iPhone?

What is an Objective-C 2.0 class interface and implementation converted into by GCC or Clang

object_getClass(obj) and [obj class] give different results

Change enum values at runtime?

Is Objective C really compiled ? Isn't it more like Visual Basic / .NET runtime ? Then what prevents it to be portable to other platforms?

Are selectors in Objective-C just another way to send a message to an object?

Is there a way to inject an OS X system framework system-wide?

Obj-c protocol properties are not implemented in conforming class

Can I create an Objective-C class at run time from a text file?

Find out if an Objective-C class overrides a method [duplicate]

How do I list the Protocols an Object Conforms to?

Get the object which called a method

NSProxy pretending to be Class doesn't handle respondsToSelector in 64-bit runtime

Using dispatch_once in method swizzling

what are class_setIvarLayout and class_getIvarLayout?

How to get runtime Block type metadata in Objective-c?

Method swizzling for "alloc"?

How does objc_setAssociatedObject work? [duplicate]

Swift : Alternative to .classForCoder()