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New posts in object-initializers

covariant object initializers?

c# .net object-initializers

Populate array directly through object initializer [closed]

Object Initializer and Dynamically specifying properties

c# object-initializers

Can I use a collection initializer for an Attribute?

Why am I allowed to modify properties which are readonly with object initializers?

What am I doing wrong with C# object initializers?

c# object-initializers

c# constructors vs auto-properties and object initializers

Why doesn't name exist in the current context of shorthand member initialisation?

c# object-initializers

Optimizing multiprocessing.Pool with expensive initialization

Can you Instantiate an Object Instance from JSON in .NET?

Using __new__ to override __init__ in subclass

Array of dynamic | ExpandoObject | with a compressed initialize syntax

Code Contracts Vs. Object Initializers (.net 4.0)

C# object initialization syntax in F#

Objective-C Multiple Initialisers

Combining List initializer and object initializer

Is this a bug in the C# 4.0 compiler?

Why does this nested object initializer throw a null reference exception?

c# object-initializers

Can properties inside an object initializer reference each other?

How to change the formatting of the "Use Object Initializer" refactoring in Resharper?