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C# object initialization syntax in F#

Please note: this question is not the same as this question.

I recently came across some C# syntax I hadn't previously encountered:

Is there any way to do this in F#?

class Two
    public string Test { get; set; }

class One
    public One()
        TwoProperty = new Two();
    public Two TwoProperty { get; private set; }

var test = new One(){ TwoProperty = { Test = "Test String" }};

(note the initialization of TwoProperty in the initializer when the setter is private - it is setting a property on the object stored in TwoProperty, but NOT storing a new instance of Two in the property)

Edit: I recently came across some C# code in a constructor in monotouch like this:

nameLabel = new UILabel {
    TextColor = UIColor.White,
    Layer = {
        ShadowRadius = 3,
        ShadowColor = UIColor.Black.CGColor,
        ShadowOffset = new System.Drawing.SizeF(0,1f),
        ShadowOpacity = .5f

The best F# translation I could come up with was something like this:

let nameLabel = new UILabel ( TextColor = UIColor.White )
do let layer = nameLabel.Layer
   layer.ShadowRadius <- 3.0f
   layer.ShadowColor <- UIColor.Black.CGColor
   layer.ShadowOffset <- new System.Drawing.SizeF(0.0f,1.0f)
   layer.ShadowOpacity <- 0.5f  

This isn't terrible, but it does have more noise with the repeated layer reference plus its more imperative and less declarative.

like image 372
N_A Avatar asked May 05 '14 02:05


1 Answers

I don't think F# allows setting nested properties during initialization. A workaround, assuming you're the author of the API, is to pass the entire object to the constructor. This eliminates the need for getter and setter with different accessibilities and makes for much cleaner F# code overall.

type Two() =
    member val Test = "" with get, set

type One(twoProperty) =
    member val TwoProperty = twoProperty

let test = One(Two(Test="foo"))

As you mentioned in your comment, you could create a helper function accepting various properties as optional parameters. A type extension would work well for this:

type UILayer with
    member this.Configure(?shadowRadius, ?shadowColor, ?shadowOffset, ?shadowOpacity) = 
        this.ShadowRadius <- defaultArg shadowRadius this.ShadowRadius
        this.ShadowColor <- defaultArg shadowColor this.ShadowColor
        this.ShadowOffset <- defaultArg shadowOffset this.ShadowOffset
        this.ShadowOpacity <- defaultArg shadowOpacity this.ShadowOpacity

let nameLabel = UILabel(TextColor=UIColor.White)
    shadowOffset=SizeF(0.0f, 1.0f), 
like image 151
Daniel Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 00:10
