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New posts in collection-initializer

Object Initialization Not Working for Me

Creating a New Class with Collection Initializers in C# [duplicate]

How to implement a clean Custom Object Initializer for a Matrix class

Can another thread see partially created collection when using collection initializer?

Using TextBoxFor to set HTML attributes that have a namespace prefix

Using collection initializer on my own class

C# List or Collection initializer using foreach loop

Can I use a collection initializer for an Attribute?

Why am I allowed to modify properties which are readonly with object initializers?

Initialize elements with brackets like Lists in c#

c# collection-initializer

Anonymous collection initializer for a dictionary

Using collection initializer syntax on custom types?

Why are collection initializers on re-assignments not allowed?

Combining List initializer and object initializer

C# 6.0's new Dictionary Initializer - Clarification [duplicate]

Initialize list with both a single object and another list of objects

What benefits does dictionary initializers add over collection initializers?