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New posts in object-detection

Hyper-parameter optimization in tensorflow object detection API

ARKit & Vision frameworks – Detecting wall edges

Why so low Prediction Rate 25 - 40 [sec/1] using Faster RCNN for custom object detection on GPU?

Object Detection crash after 5428 steps, TypeError: 'numpy.float64' object cannot be interpreted as an integer

Faster-RCNN, why don't we just use only RPN for detection?

How to use two models in Tensorflow object Detection API

DETECT the Edge of a Document in iPhoneSDK

How to evaluate a pretrained model in Tensorflow object detection api

What does "--logtostderr" mean in the command line while using tensorflow's object detection api?

Opencv Motion detection with tracking

Why use sliding windows with convolutional neural nets in object detection?

Object detection Classfication /A checkpoint was restored (e.g. tf.train.Checkpoint.restore or tf.keras.Model.load_weights)

How to know if matchTemplate found an object or not?

Triangle detection using OpenCV

opencv object-detection

Tensorflow high false-positive rate and non-max-suppression issue

How Yolo 3 is implemented in Yolo 4?

How many images per iteration in Detectron2

People Detection and Tracking

Why does roi_align not seem to work in pytorch?

Could not install pycocotools in windows: fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'io.h': No such file or directory error: