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New posts in motion-detection

Motion Vector extraction from encoded video file

Is it possible to use ViBe algorithm, implemented in opencv, for systema without GPU?

Motion detection using OpenCV

How to calculate where a bullet impacts on a wall (a REAL wall and bullet) [closed]

Gyroscope and accelerometer data from Windows?

c# .net motion-detection

Polling the accelerometer/motion sensor in a MacBook Pro

View only registering MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN

xcode ios 6 shake motion calls IBaction from previous view

Detecting Significant Device Motion on Android

Opencv Motion detection with tracking

Editing android VideoView frames

Message queue architecture when messages need to access shared data

OpenCV detect movement in python

Motion Tracking vs Blob Tracking

Android: Tracking mouse pointer movement

Matlab video processing of heart beating. code supplemented

Linear acceleration direction to track upward and downward movement of phone

Python OpenCV: Detecting a general direction of movement?

how to detect when MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE is finished

How to modify motion tracking in AS3