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New posts in android-4.2-jelly-bean

Android Jelly bean database is locked (code 5)

Android MediaCodec: how to request a key frame when encoding

Hiding the Status Bar under Android 4.2.2 (SDK 17)

SearchView Widget not showing up in Action Bar

Error restoring RSA private key on Android Jelly Bean

Using the GPS to capture speed [duplicate]

WiFi Direct on Android not working properly

Disconnect from a wifi direct group

The html file created by Systrace blank

expandable notificaton android 4.1

How can we lock the camera screen orientation during the camera capture process?

Bluetooth Secureaccept() Failed, Nexus 7, Android 4.2.2

onNewIntent is not called in JellyBean

In Android (on JB), how can I add an action to a custom rich notification?

What happens if I delete older Android API levels and keep only latest one

onEditorAction() is not called after Enter key has been pressed on Jelly Bean emulator