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New posts in android-4.2-jelly-bean

Android SDK Tools 21: Help in Compile with tab

ScrollView inside ViewPager does not scroll on Android 4.x

Mediacodec jelly-bean

ADK 1.0 devices fail to work with Jelly Bean, why?

Only Android 4.1, Bitmap is recycled automatically

Android Remoteviews for expanded notifications

So how can I see the logs in Jelly Bean?

When I drag a "Plain Text" field over to my WYSIWYG editor in Eclipse for Android 4.1 I get a Java crash - How do I fix this?

Ant fails to build signed apk after updating to android v20

Android Jellybean app encryption works on other versions?

Android: Programatically trigger text selection mode in a WebView on Jelly Bean

jelly bean search key

Android MediaCodec API video plays too fast

GLSurfaceView displaying black on Nexus 7 with Android 4.2

Can't read socket InputStream on Jelly Bean

Jelly Bean Issue - wifiManager.getConnectionInfo().getSSID() - extra ""