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AVD Manager can't find tools\android.bat even though it's there

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Can't import com.android.future.usb.*

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ADK 1.0 devices fail to work with Jelly Bean, why?

How can I get the ADK DemoKit example working on a Google I/O Galaxy Tab 10.1?

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What is Nak Limit?

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Android ADK - Working on a gamepad

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How to create an Android app to control Arduino over Wi-Fi?

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arduino ADK + android LED blink example compiling errors

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A "Hello World" tutorial for Arduino and Android

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Including other Eclipse Projects in an Android application project

ADK vs JDK vs SDK difference?

suggested protocol for android-arduino communication

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Which android devices support the ADK / open accessory

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Why doesn't the demokit program for the ADK compile in Arduino?

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ADK and Eclipse woes - com.android.future and USBAccessory?

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Beginners tutorial for Arduino Mega ADK [closed]

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Android ADK with PC as USB Host with libusb, bulk transfer error

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