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New posts in notificationmanager

How to implement Notification service (not using Activity) in Android

Android : Unable to display multiple lines of text in Notification

Notification Not Appearing on notify()

Android Remoteviews for expanded notifications

How to create a status bar icon on the right side? (Android)

Update notification vibrate/ringtone

How does one animate the Android sync status icon?

NotificationManager.cancel() doesn't work: Notification isn't removed

Is it possible to set how long a notification is displayed in android API level 10 or lower?

In Android how can i know the current notification id to clear the notification

Android: Multiple Notifications as single list in Status Bar

ExoPlayer Notification Manager, hide fast rewind and fast forward buttons

GCM push notification. Bad notification posted - Couldn't expand RemoteViews for: StatusBarNotification

What's "AutomaticZenRule" ? What is it used for?

Is it possible to cancel all notifications that have a certain tag?

StatusBarNotification how to get data or resend intent?

notificationManager get notification by Id

Cannot find symbol NOTIFICATION_SERVICE?