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New posts in apple-vision

iOS 11 using vision framework VNDetectRectanglesRequest to do object detection not precisely?

ios coreml apple-vision

Get the cvPixelBuffer used in a VNImageRequestHandler on the VNDetectTextRectanglesRequest completion handler

ios swift swift3 apple-vision

Reading a barcode image without using cocoapods or other external API's

Apple Vision – Barcode Detection doesn't work for barcodes with different colours

ARKit & Vision frameworks – Detecting wall edges

Is it possible to train a CoreML model on device as the app runs?

How can I take a photo of a detected rectangle in Apple Vision framework

Apple Vision – Can't recognize a single number as region

ARKit – sceneView renders its content at 120 fps (but I need 30 fps)

Vision Framework Barcode detection for iOS 11

How can I tell which languages are available for text recognition in Apple's Vision framework?

ARKit and Vision frameworks for Object Recognition

Apple Vision image recognition

Classify faces from VNFaceObservation

Apple Vision framework – Text extraction from image