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New posts in object-detection

Tensorboard eval.py IOU for object detection

What is loss_cls and loss_bbox and why are they always zero in training

Printing class name and score in Tensorflow Object Detection API

TensorFlow Object Detection API: specifying multiple data_augmentation_options

SSD mobilenet model does not detect objects at longer distances

Intersection over union on non rectangular quadrilaterals

Classification of objects from a video ( human, animals, others(cars etc.,) ) [closed]

Detect multiple circles in an image

no such option: --use-feature while installing tensorflow object detection api

Why we use mAp score for evaluate object detectors in deep learning?

Why faster-rcnn end to end training only makes approximation?

distinguishing objects with opencv

How to continouosly evaluate a tensorflow object detection model in parallel to training with model_main

When should I stop the object detection model training while mAP are not stable?

Detecting a can or bottle in opencv

Mobilenet SSD Input Image Size