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New posts in object-detection

Drawing rectangle around detected object using SURF

HOG descriptor for object detection

How to train from scratch in TensorFlow object detection API?

Implementing Intersection over Union Loss Using Tensorflow

What is the cause of 'InvalidArgumentError: Incompatible shapes: [10,2] vs. [10]' in tensorflow (with Keras)?

OpenCV Human Body Tracking

Java OpenCV - Rectangle Detection with Hough Transform

Object recognition vs detection vs classification? What's the difference?

Tensorflow Object Detection API has slow inference time with tensorflow serving

False positives in faster-rcnn object detection

ImportError: cannot import name 'feature_column_v2' from 'tensorflow.python.tpu' using Object Detection API

Object detections/object recogntion?

All my questions about opencv_traincascade [closed]

Store Tensorflow object detection API image output with boxes in CSV format

google colab setting a '^C' in the proccess

What algorithms or approaches apart from Haar cascades could be used for custom objects detection?

Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping for android

should I label and train on all objects that exist in the training set (yolo darknet)

Retrain Tensorflow Object detection API

Image preprocessing in deep learning