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New posts in nuspec

How to automatically update nuget package dependency?

Creating NuGet package: NU5128 exception - not clear on how to fix

Dependencies in Nuspec vs. csproj

.net-core nuget csproj nuspec

How to specify configuration-specific folder in nuspec

nuget nuspec

how to create nuspec file in specific folder?

Msbuild v15 can't resolve the variables of metadata of nuspec file

dotnet pack "The element <package> is unrecognized"

dotnet-cli nuspec

nuspec contentFiles Example

nuget nuspec

How to get Octopack to use custom .nuspec file?

octopus-deploy nuspec

Are the conventions for formatting descriptions in nuspec files documented somewhere?

nuget nuspec

NuGet exclude files from symbols package in nuspec

nuget symbols nuspec

NuGet Packing a Nuspec: Value cannot be null or empty string. Parameter name: value

build nuget-package nuspec

nuspec file with dependencies

nuget nuspec

Nuget from portable class library: Value cannot be null or an empty string. Parameter name: profileValue

How do I specify conditional dependencies based on target framework in NuGet?

nuget nuspec

Show NuGet package release notes

NuGet Framework Assemblies not working

.net nuget nuspec

nuget spec dependencies, get latest version?

how to resolve "Unable to find package" nuget error

nuget nuspec

Unable to resolve assembly reference issue without frameworkAssemblies

.net nuget dnx nuspec