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New posts in nuget

Single NuGet Package Containing x86 ARM x64 binaries

Package restore failed. Rolling back package changes - Serilog.AspNetCore

Assembly binding redirect in Azure Functions

How to use github nuget packages on Visual Studio 2019

Getting EF 6 from NuGet to install on F# projects

Visual Studio 2017 build agent fails to build with error cs0400

Why does NuGet store packages in C:\Users\<UserName>\.nuget\packages?


How to use Nuget with more than one solution


How to create a Nuget Package by hand (without Nuget.exe or Nuget Explorer)?

nuget nuget-package

Nuget package download count using C#

c# api nuget

How do I prevent installing nuget packages that aren't 100% .Net Core 2.0 compatible?

How do I install the Nuget provider for PowerShell on a offline machine?

powershell nuget offline

Internal NuGet Feed - folder vs IIS


How to unshelve another developer's changes that include dlls or other binaries?

dll tfs nuget unshelve

Is there any way to recreate packages.config file?

How to get a list of available nuget updates in the commandline?


How to update Xamarin.Forms to latest version?

xamarin nuget xamarin.forms

Why does ReactiveUI have a dependency on an old version of System.Reactive?

How to fix Xamarin/NuGet error NU1107? - "Version conflict detected for Xamarin.Android.Support.Compat"

Implementing StyleCop MSBUILD From NuGet Package

c# msbuild nuget stylecop