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Failed to download package 'runtime.win10-x86.Microsoft.Net.UWPCoreRuntimeSdk.2.1.1'

Nuget (PowerShell 2.0 Error) Visual Studio 2015, Windows 10 (PwrShl 5.0)

.NET 4.5.1 Preview Support in Visual Studio 2012

Ninject assembly does not match referenced assembly

NuGet Dependency Framework Targeting not working when packaging using the .csproj

c# .net nuget

Visual Studio Hangs while installing NuGet

Updating NuGet packages in ASP.NET MVC 6

Nuget dependencies between prerelease packages

c# .net nuget

Check if package is compatible with .net core

Putting files in "analyzer" dir in nupkg using new csproj format

After installing NUnit from NuGet, how do I force TestDriven.Net to use the NUnit dll referenced by NuGet?

NuGet error "External packages cannot depend on packages that target projects" when installing SNAP 1.4


JQuery + Nuget Package management default installation location


Visual Studio 2015 RC1 - Manage Nuget packages for solution

Nuget package for just content files

c# .net nuget .net-standard

Nuget: specify dependency without references being added
