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New posts in nuget

Is it possible to reference different NuGet package versions in a Visual Studio solution?

NuGet package restore not working from .nuget\packages.config


NuGet doesn't copy config file

Visual Studio + nuget + TFS: checking in nuget packages?

visual-studio tfs nuget

Could not determine which version of ASP.NET Web Pages to use

How to ensure exactly which TypeScript compiler Visual Studio is using during build?

Appveyor nuget analyser

NuGet unable to extract metadata from assembly with XmlnsDefinitionAttribute

Nuget Package Source is prompting for credentials

proxy nuget

NuGet : How can i apply transform to .csdef file of Cloud project

azure nuget nuget-package

SignalR demo not working

c# asp.net-mvc nuget signalr

large packages extremely slow to remove or update

NuGet and VS2013 ignoring packageSourceCredentials in nuget.config

visual-studio nuget

Wix Setup to deploy nuget packages

Recommended way to include javascript and css in a nupkg

npm nuget bower asp.net-core

How do I add Unity support to a NuGet package?

c# unity3d nuget

Showing NuGet package item added using .targets file in Solution Explorer

nuget package not installing dependencies

MSBuild can't find package for .NET Standard project in solution with other .NET Framework projects