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New posts in naming

Under what circumstances will the ctl00 prefix render as something else ex. ctl01?

asp.net webforms naming

why does the javax.naming.NamingException occur here?

java jdbc naming

What is the name of the backtick (`) key in the XNA Keys enumeration?

c# input xna naming

Naming rules for Android resources

android resources naming

What's the (official) term for a type's type?

c# types metadata naming roslyn

method names with fluent interface

Naming Unit Tests that just calls a constructor?

unit-testing naming

Name for a bitmask with 1-bit set [closed]

c embedded naming

Suggestions wanted: What should I name a class that represents a real-life "event"?


Is it "javax" illegal(reserved) package name or not?

java packages naming package

Opposite of a 'streaming' implementation


Idiomatic Scala: Semantic difference between <Collection>Like and <Collection> Types?

When should I use "and" in Objective-C method names?

Naming convention for instances of java.util.Comparator

Can I use Ninject ConstructorArguments with strong naming?

Modifying BEM classes with Sass @extend

css naming bem

Why is the Postgres C library called libpq instead of libpg?

Questions about boolean class properties naming convention for is/has [closed]

java naming

Why are iostream sentry objects called "cerberos" in the standard?

.NET naming conventions for solution with .NET Standard, .NET Core and .NET Framwork Projects