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New posts in naming

What is best file naming style for protobuf? [closed]

Why can you start a variable name with $ in C?

c variables naming

Mutex names - best practice?

mutex naming

Should I use a SQL Server keyword as a column name?

Method Naming Convention Question (most languages)

What is "timmy whinge" all about?

history naming scite

Non-English domain naming issues in programming

dns naming non-english

Naming conventions for persistence layer: DAO vs Manager vs ...?

What class name should I use for an Adapter Pattern adaptor?

adapter naming

Good naming for domain services layer [closed]

C++: Initialization Lists / Naming conventions

c++ list initialization naming

Alternative to "Download" as a PowerShell verb?

powershell naming

Qt - Don't append major version number to the end of executable/library name

qt dll version filenames naming

Open file knowing only a part of its name

python naming

What's the name for a mix of snake case and camel case?

What should I name a DateTime property?

c# naming

What is the technical term for C# or Java type languages?

How to name a method that may or not do something? [closed]

methods coding-style naming

Use object names as list names in R

r list naming

Symbol name conflicts with new register names in new NASM versions?