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What is the name of the backtick (`) key in the XNA Keys enumeration?






I'm looking for the name of the Keys enumeration entry corresponding to the backtick ` key (left of the 1 key on my keyboard).

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Cameron Avatar asked Jun 04 '12 04:06


People also ask

Where is the backtick on a keyboard?

The backtick can be found on a dead key that is used to attach a diacritic to a base letter. On QWERTY and QWERTZ keyboards, the dead key is located near the one with number 1, on the left side. On AZERTY France keyboard layout, the dead key is located between number 6 and number 8 keys, on number 7 key.

What is the backtick character used for in programming?

The backtick character ` (or the grave accent) is widely used from keyboard to generate accent characters like à , is used in programming to escape keys, name of fields or in markdown to define code snippets. The backtick can be found on a dead key that is used to attach a diacritic to a base letter.

Where is the back quote key on a keyboard?

On U.S. keyboards, the back quote key is shared with the tilde key, which may be shown next to or above the back quote symbol. To create the tilde, hold down the Shift key and press the back quote key.

What are backticks (`) in ECMAScript?

Backticks ( `) are used to define template literals. Template literals are a new feature in ECMAScript 6 to make working with strings easier. we can interpolate any kind of expression in the template literals. They can be multi-line. Note: we can easily use single quotes ( ') and double quotes ( ") inside the backticks ( ` ).

1 Answers

I think Keys.OemTilde is what you need.

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Richard J. Ross III Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 23:10

Richard J. Ross III