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Suggestions wanted: What should I name a class that represents a real-life "event"?



I need to define a class that represents a real-life event -- like a "movie premier", "party", etc. I will be creating a set of database objects to store the data for each event and define relationships with other data we have (e.g. venue, people, etc.).

The word "event" has a different meaning in the context of software, so I'd like to name the class something other than "event".

Any ideas on another name?

This related post asks a similar question, but I think all of the suggestions lack creativity -- basically @event, the case-sensitive name Event or use the old-school naming convention CEvent. Technically good solutions, but they don't help when discussing the data objects with peers (my speech and listening abilities are case-insensitive) and don't convey any information on how the class is not an event in the traditional use of the term.

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Adam Porad Avatar asked May 13 '09 17:05

Adam Porad

4 Answers

One option would be CalendarEvent, to make it obvious that this is a real-world event tied to a given date.

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e.James Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 05:09


Activity come to mind.

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Jim C Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 05:09

Jim C

How about Happening or Occasion?

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Jeff Cuscutis Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 05:09

Jeff Cuscutis

Normally I'd recommend function, but it too has specific meanings in the context of software. ;)

Occasion might be a good synonym.

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Reed Copsey Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 05:09

Reed Copsey