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New posts in namespaces

When is it appropriate to use static (over unnamed namespaces) in C++?

PHP namespaces and using the \ prefix in declaration

php namespaces

Is There a Benefit to Using Fully Qualified Namespaces in the Uses Clause?

delphi namespaces

jaxb unmarshalling with namespace

XSLT: Add namespace to root element

xslt namespaces

Do an assembly have multiple namespaces or is composed of single namespace

dll assemblies namespaces

What are namespaces for ? what about usages?

namespaces clojure

PHP namespaces problems

php namespaces

Do non-local C++11 lambdas live in anonymous namespaces?

Why do you have to include PHP file, when using namespace?

php class namespaces

Getting lxml tag attributes with namespaces

python xml namespaces lxml

xmlns namespace breaking lxml

What are the guidelines for avoiding namespace and type name conflicts in C#? [closed]

c# namespaces

using C++ with namespace in C

c++ c namespaces

Is it legal C++ to declare a nested namespace `std`?

Simple XML namespace warning

php namespaces simplexml

PHP 's' in namespace: Controller or Controllers, Model or Models?

php symfony yii namespaces psr-2

How do I import a COM object namespace/enumeration in Python?

Declaring namespace as macro - C++

c++ macros namespaces

C++ Namespaces & templates

c++ templates namespaces