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New posts in namespaces

Appropropriate URN namespace now that X- is deprecated?

namespaces uri standards urn

Importing a local variable in a function into timeit

python namespaces timeit

C++ Why don't structs / classes collide with variables and functions when namespaces do?

Laravel use non-laravel composer package in controller

When function template is specialized in a different namespace, GCC and clang disagree

Can I stop GCC including standard library names into the global namespace?

c++ gcc namespaces

use function doesn't import functions in PHP

Variable scopes inside class definitions are confusing

Can defining size_t in my own namespace create ambiguity or other bugs?

Overload resolution fails when a function named the same in a namespace is called from a class method

c++ namespaces

Ruby Equivalent of C# 'using' Statement

c# ruby syntax module namespaces

A php namespace called default

php namespaces

What does xmlns="" exactly mean

xml xsd namespaces

VS2008(+?) compiler bug with templated functions and 'using namespace'

Reflect on nested namespace

ruby namespaces nested

How to Import Other Namespaces into Visual C#?

How do I use namespaces in Backbone with RequireJs

Finding an XML node by namespace with jQuery

jquery xml namespaces find

Run embedded code from a different namespace

clojure namespaces

Multiple Files and Namespaces Scope

php file namespaces scope global