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Silverlight 4 DataTemplate DataType

Should I register ViewModels in Container?

WPF application performance

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Unsubscribe EventAggregator events in ViewModels

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Dynamic View Animations using MVVM

Navigating to a details page - shared view model or navigation query string?

Why is my KnockoutJS custom binding being triggered?

Passing multiple parameters to Prism's EventAggregator

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TextBlock style triggers

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Relaycommand and parameterless execute method

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Implementing IDataErrorInfo in a view model

WPF ComboBox bind itemssource to different datacontext in MVVM

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Is there a better way than using static classes or singletons for MVVM?

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Change style in ModelView (MVVM + WPF)

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Pass KeyUp as parameter WPF Command Binding Text Box

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What is the difference between register a region to adding a region in prism?

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What is the difference between region activation and region RequestNavigate?

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Invoke Command when TreeViewItem is Expanded

Wpf button data trigger

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Observablecollection not updating list, when an item gets added

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