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New posts in eventaggregator

Communicating between views design patterns with events

Prism:EventAggregator and MEF - 2 different instances of EventAggregator

Design pattern in Symfony2: is EventDispatcher a Mediator or Event Aggregator?

ViewModel to ViewModel Communication

How should one propagate events from one ViewModel to another ViewModel in MVVW?

Backbone.js "fat router" design conundrum

MVVM Light Toolkit - Messenger uses Event Aggregator or Mediator Pattern?

Jon Skeet Singleton and EventAggregator

EventAggregator, is it thread-safe?

Passing multiple parameters to Prism's EventAggregator

wpf mvvm prism eventaggregator

Mocking Prism Event Aggregator using Moq for Unit Testing

How to return data from a subscribed method using EventAggregator and Microsoft Prism libraries

Backbone.Wreqr vs Javascript Object

Prism EventAggregator difference between PubSubEvent<TPayload> Class and CompositePresentationEvent<TPayload> Class

Caliburn.Micro. Automatically call eventaggregator.Subscribe() for IHandle implementors with Autofac

When should I use an event handler over an event aggregator?

Should related Backbone.js views have references to each other, or talk through events only?

Caliburn Micro Constructor Injection Failed

EventAggregator vs CompositeCommand

backbone.js + global event dispatcher + require.js: how-to?