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New posts in multiple-repositories

Managing GIT permissions - multiple repositories

multiple git repositories cloned into the same directory [duplicate]

git multiple-repositories

How can I setup my .git/config to be able to push to / pull from multiple remote repositories?

Git Version Control - Views on Repositories?

How to manage multiple similar but different projects with git?

git multiple-repositories

Using git flow with git subtree

Real World ASP.NET MVC Repositories

Jenkins: load Jenkinsfile from another repository than the repository I want to build

How do I "mount" one github repository as a subfolder of another repository?

How to get GitKraken feature working - "Use local SSH agent"

Is it possible to manage multiple repositories coherently?

git multiple-repositories

Managing many git repositories

git multiple-repositories

How do I work with a git repository within another repository?

Multiple maven repositories in one gradle file