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New posts in modernizr

Testing of CSS "mix-blend-mode"

How to test for nth-child using Modernizr?

css css-selectors modernizr

Modernizr just for one quick check?

how would I detect if "multiple" attribute is supported for file input elements?

Detect browser support for HTML Media Capture

'webkitIndexedDB' is deprecated. Please use 'indexedDB' instead

Detect different kind of scrollbars (eg. normal / hidden osx)

LESS CSS syntax useful for modernizr

css syntax less modernizr

Modernizr.touch returns true on firefox browser

What's the best way to switch between jQuery UI and jQuery Mobile

WebSocket connection to 'ws://./' failed: Error in connection establishment: net::ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED

Can you detect if Cleartype is enabled on PC via javascript?

javascript modernizr

How to test for Touch-Events now that Chrome fails standard tests?

html touch modernizr

requireJS configuration for Modernizr

Modernizr with cssSandpaper?

Remove all hover effects through css

javascript html css modernizr

Angular expressions with Modernizr values?

Include Modernizr in RequireJS and have the Modernizr in the head tags

CSS3 animation-fill-mode polyfill

Detecting geo-uri-support