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Disable scrolling on body in overlay modal view

Modernizr not applying classes to html-tag

javascript html modernizr

Using Modernizr to test browser support for css calc()

Can modernizr load scripts asynchronously but execute them in order?


Modernizr help?

javascript html css modernizr

Difference between html5shim, css3-mediaqueries.js and modernizr

Why use Modernizr if browsers ignore CSS they don't understand?

html css modernizr

Feature detect if user gesture is needed

Angular2 with modernizr

angular modernizr

Modernizr causes errors with jQuery Isotope

Modernizr getusermedia undefined

Determine whether browser supports printing

Support 'background-size' property on older browsers?

css modernizr

How to disable javascript for responsive design

Is it possible to check if cookies are enabled with modernizr?

browser cookies modernizr

Prevent page scrolling when scrolling a DIV while resolving [Violation] warning in console

RequireJS conditional dependencies

html5 input type number: detect whether spinbox or not (and no other features)

Should I use Modernizrjs + YepNopejs + Requirejs in the same page?

requirejs modernizr yepnope

Modernizr reporting laptop as touch device in Chrome and FF